What Happened on the Day the Prophet Passed Away?


A Narration from Bihar al-Anwar:

On the morning that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) passed away as a martyr, Imam Ali (PBUH) recounted:

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) called for Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn (PBUT) and closed the door, instructing the women to leave the house and placing Umm Salama at the door to prevent anyone from entering. He then conversed with them for a long time as they wept over what had befallen the Prophet during his illness caused by the poison given to him by Aisha. When it became too much, Ali emerged with Hasan and Husayn, standing at the door while people gathered outside. The wives of the Prophet watched Ali with his two sons. Aisha remarked, "Why has the Prophet excluded you and kept his daughter inside at this hour?" Ali responded, "You know well what he has entrusted to her and why he wishes to speak with her. It is related to what you and your father and his companions have conspired."

Aisha was silenced, unable to respond. Then Fatimah called Ali back inside. He entered to find the Prophet (PBUH) in his final moments. Overcome with emotion, Ali wept. The Prophet asked, "Why are you crying, Ali? This is not the time for tears. Our separation is imminent. I entrust you to Allah, my brother. My Lord has chosen what is best for me. My grief is not for myself, but for you and her (pointing to Fatimah) and how she will be wronged after me. I entrust you all to Allah. Ali, I have given Fatimah certain instructions to pass on to you. Execute them faithfully, for she is truthful and honest."

He then embraced her but was overwhelmed with emotion and could not speak. Fatimah wept bitterly, saying, "O Messenger of Allah, you have broken my heart and burned my soul with your tears, O master of the prophets, O trustworthy one of his Lord. Who will care for my children after you? Who will look after your household? Who will support Ali, your brother, and defender of the faith? Who will convey God's revelations?" She wept and kissed his face. The Prophet kissed her head and said, "May your father be your sacrifice, Fatimah!" She wept loudly. He embraced her again, saying, "Indeed, Allah will avenge and be angry for you. Woe to the oppressors."

The Prophet (PBUH) began to cry, and tears flowed from his eyes. Imam Ali (PBUH) said, "By Allah, it felt as if a part of me had gone with his tears. His tears flowed like rain, soaking his beard and cloak, as he held Fatimah close. His head was on my chest, and Hasan and Husayn kissed his feet, crying loudly."

As they were in this state, Gabriel, Michael, and other close angels descended in groups from the heavens, gathering in the house of the Seal of Prophethood, weeping at the sight of the Prophet and his pure daughter Fatimah. Imam Ali (PBUH) said, "I saw Fatimah weep, and I felt as if the heavens and the earth wept with her."

The Prophet (PBUH) then said to Fatimah, "My dear daughter, Allah is my successor over you, and He is the best successor. By the One who sent me with the truth, the Throne of Allah, the angels around it, the heavens, the earth, and everything in them have wept for your weeping. O Fatimah, by the One who sent me with the truth, I will confront your enemies. Those who wronged you will regret it, those who cut off your relationship will regret it, and those who lied about me will regret it."

The Prophet then prayed, "Woe to those who wronged her! Woe to those who took her rights! Woe to those who violated her sanctity! Woe to those who opposed her and harmed her! Woe to those who burned her door! Woe to those who harmed her husband! O Allah, I disassociate myself from them, and they disassociate themselves from me."

The Prophet (PBUH) then embraced Fatimah, Ali, Hasan, and Husayn, saying, "O Allah, I am at peace with those who are at peace with them and an enemy to those who are hostile to them and oppress them. I guarantee that they will enter Paradise, and their enemies will enter Hell. By Allah, Fatimah, I will not be pleased until you are pleased."

Turning to his brother, Imam Ali (PBUH), the Prophet said, "Know, Ali, that I am pleased with whoever Fatimah is pleased with, as is my Lord and His angels."

He then drew close to Ali's ear, imparting the knowledge of prophethood and the secrets of guardianship, teaching him a thousand doors of knowledge, each opening to another thousand. As he did so, the Prophet's forehead began to perspire, his body trembled, his eyes closed, his hands relaxed, and his pure soul departed. It ascended to its Creator, and the voices of all creation wept. The heavens and earth trembled at the loss of the Seal of the Prophets. Hasan and Husayn cried out, "O grandfather! O Messenger of Allah!" Fatimah cried, "O father! O Muhammad! O beloved!" Then she collapsed unconscious.

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